

  • 简介

    1、谁是你的英语老师?卡特先生。 Who' s your English teacher?Mr Carter. 2、他长得怎么样?他长得既高又强壮。 What' s he like?He' s tall and strong. 3、她很文静吗?不,她不是的。她很活跃。 Is she quiet?No,she isn' t. She' s very active. 4、她严厉吗?是的,她是的,但是她很和蔼。 Is she strict? Yes,she is,but she' s very kind. 5、我有一位新的数学老师。 I have three new teachers. 6、那个年轻的女士是谁? Who' s that young lady? 7、他们是谁? Who are they? 8、她的课非常有趣。 Her class is so much fun.
